This is where you will find the answers to your Frequently Asked Questions about Chem4Word.
Q: Who produces Chem4Word? How do I get involved
A: We are a team of volunteers, numbering seven right now, but we are always looking for new talent. Email us if you want to help.
Q: When will we have a Macintosh version?
A: We are not planning a Macintosh version of Chem4Word. And the moment the add-in relies heavily upon the VSTO architecture. We would need to redevelop the add-in to be independent of this architecture.
The new-add in architecture in Office 2016 might offer a pathway to future Mac support. Watch this space for further developments.
Q: What new features are in the pipeline for Chem4Word?
A: Our ‘pipeline’ only extends as far as the next version release. But we are thinking already about what new features we would like, such as
- Support for reaction schemes
- Electron ‘pushers’ (curly arrows)
- Even better quality structures